Central California Correctional Facilities Committee
"I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of SA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible."
Thank you for your interest in this rewarding service! Our incarcerated brothers & sisters in SA desperately need sponsors, meetings, & literature:
Many prisoners have to wait months for a sponsor to be assigned to them.
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, only one facility in the state of CA was holding SA meetings. They have since been suspended until further notice.
Many prison officials are indifferent to the needs of these men & women.
Various forms of abuse, including murder, are common threats from their fellow inmates.
Suicide is common.
The needs of this community are terribly underserved by those in a position to do so - other recovering sexaholics. Prior incarceration is NOT a requirement for this service - ANY member of SA is qualified.
The Central CA CFC needs your help with the following services:
Prison Sponsorship: If you have 6 months of sobriety, and are working the 12 Steps with a sponsor, you may be able to become a Prison Sponsor. A packet has been developed to addresses the special needs of this form of sponsorship. Local weekly workshops can also provide you w/ support, fellowship, & feedback when writing to sponsees. More info about this particular service is available HERE.
External Outreach: You can help carry the message to prison officials/staff/volunteers who need more info. You can also help start/attend meetings in facilities where requested. More info about this particular service is available HERE.
Connections: You can help parolees connect with a local SA fellowship prior to or just after release. You can also help convicted offenders find a sponsor who can help them work the steps prior to their incarceration.
Please don't hesitate to contact Brian Z. at 209-606-1766 /calsacfc@gmail.com to request more info and/or get involved.
You can find out more about the national CFC at - http://sa.org/corrections - and/or download a brochure about it at http://sa.org/docs/sacfc.pdf
You can also stream/download audio files about our services HERE.
Stanislaus & San Joaquin Counties